Currently in August!

Summer Teacher Finds!

I love shopping at the special teacher stores but it's not always in my budget so...just found this a my local Dollar Tree! In the Party decorations aisle.  I think I'll put him on the door and
will go great with my Jungle theme classroom.                                                                                             

 And a new weather set in the teacher section $1 that I just need to laminate and add velcro to :)

I also found these at Walmart:

 $2.69 Cookie game by Scholastic -It only comes with the cookie cut outs but I thought I could make a cute jar for them to go in or a plate.

 .97 cents Math Banner I just learned we are using Handwriting Without Tears for Literacy and Math and this Banner will go great with it's curriculum.

$6.99 Alphabet and Number Table Easels- I thought I could use these for small groups.

At the $ Spot at Target:

$1 Birthday Certificates, Stickers and Erasers for each child.  I have a total of 39 kiddos this year between the two classes!  I got 6 erasers for $1. I thought I could make a cute Birthday Basket and the kids could pick from it on their special day.

Name Tags for first day of school 24 for $1

$3 Bulletin Border Organizer-I'm always looking for ways to organize my supplies.  I've never tried these before but thought I would give them a go!

I told myself I would NOT buy a ton of stuff this year because I have bought way too much in the past.  Also I'm starting a new position with a public School District teaching Pre-K and I haven't even seen my room yet :)  So I don't want to go too overboard until I see what was left behind from the old teacher.  I will post pictures soon!

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